There are different kinds of clients a professional will come across; the good, the bad, and the worse. Knowing all your customer type will help you customize your approach, as well as produce and create an excellent output for them.Get to know them better, so you’ll know what to expect when you work with them in the near future.
Here are the 9 client types developers and designers will encounter:
The Clueless Kid
This customer is ignorant and indecisive. At first, they are agreeable and rely on your expertise. But, when they change their mind after being hit by a sudden epiphany, they’ll call you in the middle of nowhere, just whenever their inspiration strikes.
The Cheapskate
This client always pushes for freebies and discounts. He wants you to fix everything, but has a lot of issues when it comes to payment.
The Know-it-all
One of the most difficult people to work with, Mr. Know-it-all is arrogant, and will insist that his idea is better than yours. He has particular ideas about what he wants, but never bothers to explain them clearly.
The High Maintenance
They are mainly first-timers when it comes to hiring a developer or designer. These are people who need their hands held all the way.
The Trash Collector
These hoarders gather and collect all of the graphics, designs, and functions that he/she thinks is great. They will insist that you include all of it in the project, and explaining things to them normally ends up for naught.
The Old-fashioned
These people are very traditional; they believe that every decision needs a meeting first. You’ll most likely end up stuck with old designs and non-stop emails.
The Unpredictable
There is no such thing as a final decision with this client. He might approve your design today, but then change his mind about it tomorrow.
The Straight to the Point
They’re dream clients of designers and developers. They know what they want, and just need it to be done.
The Meticulous
This type is very strict in all aspects. They closely examine your work, and never fail to find fault in it. They’ll ensure that you’re working hard for the money that you’ll be getting from him.
Being in the IT industry is tough; you have to deal with difficult clients every day. But, if you’re still looking to be a part of this field, hire our professional IT resume writers to land your dream job!